Day: August 15, 2018

Estimating the minimum price quote value of the product

The free quote is provided to the sellers by the company based on the information they provide for the products. The sellers can select the final offer value of the product based on the range of the product. The minimum price quote of the product is not lower than the final offer value of the products. The seller can request for the documentation of the Audemars Piguet products from the company if they are ready to sell the products with the price estimated by the company. The company will require at least 3 to 4 business days to issue a check to the seller.

qualified watchmakers

Returns or refunds of the company:

If the seller wants to cancel the sale then they should inform the company immediately so that they will not issue a check. The sellers can simply mark on return to sender on the envelope if the check has already been mailed by the company. The check issued by the company can be cashed once if the sale is completed for the Audemars Piguet product. The returns or refunds can be done for the products as per the terms and conditions of the company. The products can be exchanged within 14 days of the age which is printed on the receipt of the received product. The seller will be notified through if the sale has been completed by the company successfully without any delay.

Opening the watch case:

All the parts of the products can be inspected by the customers through once if they receive the product from the company. The company has the qualified watchmakers to perform the different types of repairs which are related to the watches. The watch case will be opened and inspected by the company thoroughly after receiving the watch from the buyer. You can feel free to contact us if you have any queries related to the products available at our company so that you will get a quick response from the customer support team. The products are available with different brands at our company so that you can reply have a look to get a clear idea.