There are many different types of cookie sheets available in the market. Some are good for the darker cookies, whereas some are good for light and crisp cookies. Make sure you read the recipes very carefully and grab yourself a cookie sheet for better results.
What is a Cookie Sheet
Cookie sheet is one kind of pan used for baking purposes especially cookies or other foods in your oven.” It is an important thing to place the cookies and put it in oven for baking. There are many different material and shapes of cookie sheets available like insulated, steel, aluminum, and non-stick sheets. Let us check some of the cookie sheets here:
Aluminum Sheet
These types of cookie sheets generally have the metal, which allows your cookie to conduct even heat. Another important thing is aluminum cookie sheets prices are much lower compared to other types in the market. Cookie sheets prepared with the thicker aluminum can hold heat much better than the thinner or lighter ones, and keeping your cookies warmer for longer after it is removed from your oven.
Steel Sheet
You will find two types of steel cookie sheets one is stainless steel and other is tinned steel. The stainless steel sheet conducts heat rather quickly and tinned one is the dark sheet (requires low temperature for cooking.
Black Steel
This type of cookie sheet is heavy and thick and must be seasoned after every use. As black steel is considered to be the good conductor of heat, cookies bake more evenly but very dark—thus this kind of cookie sheet is very good for baking crisp and dark cookies.